Welcome To My Corner Of The Cross Stitching World!
I love cross stitch, chocolate, tea, exercise and my heating pad under a pile of blankets. I am a little ADD and extremely busy with life so don't always post as I should. I usually only update with new stitching accomplishments but, may try to blog a little more in the near future. HOWEVER, if you are here visiting me, I hope I can make you smile and bring joy to your life even for a brief second.
After all, isn't life a bunch of brief seconds running after each other to weave the story of our life?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Whew, Finally Home
Got back in from Florida/Bahamas last night. Glad we came back then. Needed today to regroup (unpack, wash clothes, grocery shop, etc.) I am not looking forward to going back to work tom.
I will discuss my trip a little further later this week. Today, I want to post my stitching updates.
To begin with: This is from Aury -Tiny Treasures Exchange Floss Ring. I love it. Go to that blog and read my response.
1 comment:
Loove that tiny treasure! I'm a little worried about Sharon(TTE host) and hope that she's alright and we'll hear from her soon
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